Queen of Subs

Friday, September 03, 2010


What is a friend? Do we really know? I went to webster dictionary just for kicks to see what the definition really was I was surprized: One attached to another by affection and esteem; Intimate associate supporter...REALLY webster that's the best you could come up with!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

No such thing as empty nest!

Well today is the first day of Classes for Sierra at WIU and it will be the first fill week for Logan at SCC. How do I feel about that? Pretty good!!!
I helped Sierra move in Friday I must say it was one of the best days we have had together in such a long time just the two of us talking , laughing, shopping, and putting her new room and life together...I loved the next morning when she txt first and said she survived the first night alone in her dorm ..her room mate to move in later in the day. She even slept through the fire alarm (which is kindof scary.)
Logan is liking his classes did not make the baseball team but the coach had so many positive things to say to him, wants him to gain 20 lbs.(that should all be are problem) and really hit the weights!!! And told him "SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!!" Logan was really excited that the coach was so good to him ....no regrets had an awesome high-school career can only look forward...who knows what next year will bring!
Today was a great day thank God Jim had to work so I had the day to my self. My friend JLN said I don't quite have empyt nest yet because Logan is still living here but I ask you do you ever I mean really?? Think about it your kids are always your kids and they will be forever coming home!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hello Blog, it's me

Well, I'm trying this again, I can do this so Smik say so here goes... Last night I decided that we would try staying open at Subs to get the late night after hours crowd at Subs! OH WHAT A NIGHT!!!
The phone rang off the hook of people asking if we were really open and Why were we doing this! I wanting to ask them ..Why do you care ???? Just get down here and order some food!!!!
After a hard night of drinking and partying what else would you want but a Sub and and Ice cold soft drinks ( we did have have a few who byobed) but they shall rename nameless! We had kids under 10 come in with parents just to see what was going on and one even asked if she could bring her puppy in for a min! NO hold barred!
By the end of the evening Marie, Jill and Myself were tired, we were laughing at people we were talking, about the next time and wishing someplace was open at 4:15 so we could go get some much needed breakfest!

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Not quite there

I'm not there yet!!! Blogging I mean! I've got on the site a couple of times then I get to thinking What happened today that was worth writing about...then it hit me Everything!
My kids, my husband, my friends, my customers ( who by the way are all the best!)
But today I am thinking mostly of my Daughter she will be 19 tomorrow and I think in some ways that is almost harder to say than 18. She is such a beautiful, kind, gentle and talented young lady! I Love her smile , but sometimes she doesn't do enough of that around me...When she was little she couldn't get enough of me and now she can't stand me...So much for the circle of life!!!!! Happy birthday Unk I love you more than words can say!!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Learning The Ropes.

I'm new to all of this..writing a blog, not reading! I have to admit I admire a person who can sit down and write and post pictures like my friend Sarah and her friend Amy (who by the way haven't posted for quite a while) then I got to thinking I can do it and I do on facebook. Sometimes I wish I could write more but then again I have learned you can post too much! So I really watch what I write.
This is crazy who is even going to know I am writing this? And who will care? It's like scrapbooking we Moms go to all this work for our kids to appreciate after we are dead!!!! Which reminds me I better go because I really need to work on Logan's Senior book.